Sneak Peek: Wardrobe Foundation Pieces; Sophomore Edition


Coming up in the next few days I’ll be posting some pictures of my daughter who will be a sophomore in high school this year. She heads back to school soon and with the help of Kohl’s, we did some back to school shopping. Her goal was to find some basic foundation pieces that she could build as many outfits around as possible.

I wanted to give you a sneak peek at one of her outfits. One of the pieces she bought was a blue jean jacket.

Back to School with Kohls

She paired it with a tank top, a skirt and not pictured here…a gorgeous pair of mint green converse. Not only is this outfit so adorable, but she loves it because it’s comfortable.

Keep checking back in the next few days for the rest of her back to school outfits.

Tell me….what grades are your kids going into and – do you help them with their clothing choices or do you let them just go for it and express their own style?