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Our Summer Trip to Denver, Colorado


We’re almost done with our summer trip to Denver, Colorado and we’ve reached that point where we’re both ready to go home and not wanting to leave. Do you know that feeling? We used to live here about 3 years ago, so we know the area, we have a ton of friends here and on top of all of that – we have family here.

We flew into Denver right after the Saturday hail storm and tornado warnings. The clouds from the airplane were phenomenal.

We’ve been here almost a week and it has been a trip to remember. We’ve filled it with everything from hanging out with friends by the camp fire and roller coasters, to nature hikes and some downtown Denver time.

Here’s a little breakdown of our time here and some things that would be fun for families to do while visiting Denver.

Maxwell Falls Trail Hike in Conifer

If you’re looking for a mild, but beautiful hike for the entire family, the Maxwell Falls Trail hike in Conifer (about 40 minutes outside of Denver) is perfect. We arrived around 7 a.m. and no one was there. It was perfect. The weather was perfect. The hike was perfect. Needless to say – it was a perfect morning. As the morning went on, the trails started to fill up with more people.

There were kids of every age on this trail, as well as adults. You had the option to take a trail with a more steep climb or to stay on a path that was more level. The scenery was stunning and I took way too many pictures. If you’re looking for a family friendly hike not too far from Denver, the Maxwell Falls Trail is a great choice.

Estes Park & Rocky Mountain National Park

On the way to Estes Park, CO

My husband and I honeymooned in Estes Park, CO almost 18 years ago and we had to bring the kids back while we were here. We’ve brought them back once before and they loved it. The first thing on our to-do list was to ride the tram up to the top for the view of  Estes.

After going to the top, we came down to downtown Estes and ate some lunch, did some shopping and walked around. My daughter and I found a little boutique called The Grey House we fell in love with. After lunch and shopping, we decided to head into the Rocky Mountain National Forest. 

It was just…beautiful. There really are no words to describe it that do this place justice. You just have to see it for yourself. The elk were everywhere. The sun seemed to be shining on the mountain tops just perfectly. We found a patch of snow to have a snow ball fight with. The day could not have been any better. It was a time for all of us to get away and just disconnect.

Six Flags Elitch Gardens

My daughter and I waiting on the boys to ride one.more.roller.coaster.

After spending a wonderfully peaceful day in Estes Park, we decided to go the complete opposite route the next day and take the kids to Elitch’s. Why not right? 😉 Our 10 year old is now tall enough to ride any ride he wants, which is the perfect time to take a little dare devil to a theme park. What did he ride? Whatever he could.

I only snapped a couple of pictures of my daughter and I because my phone was locked up in a our locker all day. So just take my word for it that we all had a blast, left absolutely exhausted and slept great that night. What was my ten year old’s favorite ride you ask? The Mind Eraser. I rode it too and he has good taste in roller coasters.

The Cheesecake Factory and Downtown Denver

Today we have my niece’s wedding and last night the rehearsal dinner was at the Cheesecake Factory in downtown Denver. From the meal, to the coffee and of course – the Cheesecake…it was one amazing meal. It was fun to walk around 16th Street Mall for awhile and be a tourist in a city we used to live in. Overall, it was one very fun evening.

What’s on the agenda today? A wedding. I can’t wait to see my gorgeous niece get married.

Tomorrow it’s time to pack up and head back home after one fun and packed week in Denver, Colorado. Until next time Denver – we’ll miss you!


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