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Summer Skin Care: 5 Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy This Summer


This post is sponsored by Blue Lizard®. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

These five summer skin care tips can help protect and nourish your skin, helping it look and feel its best – even when the summer sun beckons.

Summer is all about less: less clothing, less makeup, less of a hectic schedule. I love this time of year and find it refreshing, relaxing and rejuvenating. But, these lazy days of summer can do a number on our skin if we’re not careful.

I remember the days of my youth slathering on baby oil (I know – *cringe*) and not having a care in the world if I got baked by the glorious sun. I’m paying for some of those mistakes now that I’m older, and am vigilant when it comes to keeping my skin (and myself) healthy in the summer.

I’m happy to say my skin is healthier than it’s ever been before, and that’s because of a combination of good morning and evening skin routines, plus products I know work. (Keep reading for a great giveaway you won’t want to miss!)

5 Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy This Summer

Get your exfoliation on

Since switching from washing my face with my hands to using a face brush, my skin has never looked better. I’ve had people tell me I’m glowing…and then wink. I wink back knowing my secret is as simple as a better skin care routine.

Not only do I use a face brush on my skin, but I use a body brush in the shower about once a week.

Exfoliating removes dead skin cells, which dulls your skin. It also gives your moisturizer and SPF products a better surface to work with, allowing them to really sink in and do their job. (Tip: Exfoliated skin helps your makeup last longer!)

Drink, Drink, Drink

I’m talking about that ever so important H2O! In the summer we’re outdoors more, we sweat more and our bodies just need more water. Not only can you feel dehydration (dizziness and headaches), but your skin shows it as well. If your skin is dull and dry, most likely you need more water. Give your body what it needs and it will thank you!

If you struggle with drinking a lot of water, eat seasonal summer fruits and vegetables that have a higher concentration of water such as watermelon, berries and leafy greens.

Protect the Sensitive Skin on Your Face & Body with the Right Sunscreen

As we all know, not all sunscreens are created equal. Some flat out don’t work and some are not good for those with sensitive skin.

I believe you should wear SPF protection on your face year round and I do. But I am extra aware of the need during the summer when I’m outdoors more and also have on less makeup. If you have sensitive skin like myself, finding a sunscreen to apply on your face can be quite challenging! I’ve gone from using sunscreens that melt off my face to ones that made me breakout. No thank you!

I would highly recommend Blue Lizard® Australian Sunscreen Sensitive and here’s why. It’s paraben-free, chemical-free and fragrance-free and has a superb rating with the Environmental Working Group. It provides great every day protection for your face and body, but is gentle on sensitive skin.

I think my most favorite product for the face, and one I’ve started using every day, is Blue Lizard® Australian Sunscreen Face. How does a product that protects your skin from the harmful sun’s rays, does not clog your pores and includes ingredients that rejuvenates your skin and fights aging sound? Awesome, I know. I also love it because of the gel formula, which glides on my skin easily , feels great and soaks in quickly.

Take a minute and browse all of the Blue Lizard products including the ones I mentioned above, but also their line for babies and sport formulas. One key feature about Blue Lizard, is their patented BPA free Smart Bottle™, which changes color when exposed to UV light. The deeper the blue cap becomes, the more UV rays that are present, reminding you to cover up. So don’t forget to bring your Blue Lizard outside with you!

Also, use this coupon code: P20FABULOUS for 20% OFF orders over $35 at www.bluelizard.net. (Expiration 12/31/16).

(Keep reading for a Blue Lizard prize pack you’ll definitely want to enter to win!)

Rock that Wide Brimmed Hat

The floppy hat was a 1970s wardrobe staple and those ladies knew what they were doing. Not only did it kick their outfit style up a couple of notches, it was practical in protecting them from the sun. A baseball cap isn’t going to cut it, since it can’t protect your face from the sun coming in at an angle. (Although it’s better than nothing…) 

Opt for a Safe Summer Glow

I no longer lay out to get a tan like I did in my youth. I get one before summer even starts and  I do it safely. I am a huge, big, gigantic fan of sunless tanners. (So big in fact, I have an article in the works about getting the most out of these products, so keep your eyes out for that!)

Sunless Tanners have come such a long way. Gone are the days of orange legs (and hands, and knees, and elbows and feet) as some companies have really perfected their formula for a tan that is very natural looking. I use this product for a light natural glow all year round, but I’ve been experimenting with several other products to get a richer deeper tan. I’ll tell you about those later.

Until then, why sunless tanners? You get the look of a gorgeous summer glow without the harmful affects of the sun. Plus, you can get a leg up (so to speak) on the summer season and start using these products in the spring. When it’s time to break out that swimsuit or LWD (little white dress) you’ll be ready.

Do you have any tips for keeping your skin healthy during the bright, hot and beautiful summer months?

Let me help one Mom Fabulous reader get a head start on protecting their skin with a fantastic giveaway hosted by Blue Lizard. Here are the details:

Giveaway:1 winner will receive a Blue Lizard Cooler, 5oz Sensitive, 5oz Face, 5oz Sport, 3oz Face, 3oz Sensitive, Box of Baby sachets and 5 Color-change UV-sensitive bracelets (Total Retail Value: $122)

Enter here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  • Giveaway open to U.S. residents only
  • Must be 18 years of age or older to win
  • Giveaway begins May 10, 2016 and ends May 17, 2016

Good luck!!


  1. mae
    During hot weather it is better to use sunscreen to protect our skin. I have been using solvaderm dermasol because it protects against the heat of the sun. It is better to use solvaderm dermasol since it has powerful sunscreen ingredients.
  2. Sarah
    I like to stay out of the sun as much as possible! Thankfully I love the pale look.
  3. Peter G
    Drink plenty of water, wear a hat and sunglasses. Don't go out when the sun is the strongest and check your sun for spots that don't look right.
  4. Ann Fantom
    I use sunscreen and moisturize every evening to protect my skin in the summer
  5. Crystal F
    I use sunscreen when I'm going to be outside for any length of time. Thank you!
  6. Cynthia C
    I use sunscreen and wear a floppy hat at the beach. I also stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.
  7. jules m.
    i wear sunscreen daily, and try to stay out of the sun for long periods. I am very fair skinned and burn easily.
  8. heather s
    I wear sunscreen even when it is overcast and try to limit my time in the sun
  9. Katie K
    I make sure to limit my time in the sun and to ALWAYS use sunscreen!
  10. Renee Richardson
    I honestly just stay out of the sun as much as I possibly can. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway :) Renee fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com
  11. Jen Donelow
    My daughter makes home made facials she gets recipes from pinterest it's amazing how great they work.
  12. susan smoaks
    in the summer i eat healthy and exercise to keep my skin looking fabulous.
  13. karen mayernick
    I moisturize every chance I get! Thanks so much for the opportunity!
  14. Michelle D
    I use water resistant sunscreen because I'm in the water a lot during the summer months!
  15. Carolyn Daley
    Sunscreen is a daily essential for me here in Florida during the summertime.
  16. Laurie Emerson
    I take care of my skin by always putting on sunscreen when I leave the house even if it is overcast outside. I also like to wear a hat when I am going to the beach or pool to help protect any part of the skin I might have missed when putting on the sunscreen.
  17. Bryan E.
    Living in the desert southwest, we use sunscreen year-round to protect our irish-american skin !

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