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Self-Care Saturday: How to (Finally) Get You & Your Family to Eat Healthy


Gluten free. Paleo. Whole 30. Raw diet. Vegetarian. Don’t eat sugar. Don’t feed your kids this. You must feed your kids this. Do this to feel better. Eat this to lose that weight once and for all. 

Have I stressed you out yet? I don’t know about you, but I’ve felt completely overwhelmed in the past with what and how to feed my family. We are in an information age – where people land in your home every single day, whether through the internet, your phone or TV, sharing their two cents on what you should and shouldn’t eat. Or what diet you should or shouldn’t follow.

Sometimes it’s too much and we just need simplicity.

I’m here today to share how to finally get you and your family to eat healthy, and what path to follow. You ready? Here it is.

Pick one healthy eating path and follow it.

Is your mind blown? No? Let me explain.

It’s common knowledge that us moms try to do too much all at the same time. And then when our plates are so full we can’t handle one more thing, we still add that one more thing; causing all those plates to come crashing to the ground. 

I remember back to a time when I was fed up with how my family and I were eating. So I decided I was going to do something about it! We were going to stop eating gluten, cut down on our sugar intake, eat more vegetables, drink more water and let’s throw in cut down our dairy intake while we’re at it. I mean, why not? Sounds like a great plan right? Wrong. It sounds exhausting and like I’m setting myself up for failure. (Spoiler alert: I did fail and ended up very frustrated and defeated.)

What I should have done was chosen one thing – like this week I’ll focus on adding more vegetables to our diet. Or, this week, I’m going to follow this simple weeknight dinner plan. Or, how about I try a couple of gluten free recipes.

What we need as moms are simple steps and someone on our side to walk us down the path. 

If you’re struggling to get you and your family to eat healthy, choose one simple path to follow – drowning out all of the other information. 

Your Path –> The Mom Conference

How does a FREE online conference where some of the world’s top authors and speakers offer you answers to all your most pressing parenting and self-help questions sound? Including healthy eating? Well, it’s happening and you don’t even have to get a babysitter or travel anywhere. You can watch it from the comfort of your own home. And did I mention it’s FREE? 

Two organizations I really respect, Power of Moms and Unconventional Kitchen, have gathered 20 top-notch speakers to present about topics every mom needs during the FREE 3-day Mom Conference that is taking place October 11th, 12th and 13th.

Each day of the conference, you can watch the seven presentations for that day at your convenience – while your kids nap, while you fold laundry, whatever works for you.

Plus, if you register RIGHT NOW you’ll have access to 2 exciting FREE GIFTS as soon as you register! Don’t procrastinate and then regret missing out on this! 

The free gifts are really fun, one of them which has to do with..wait for it…healthy eating. Once you register, you’ll receive an email with your 2 free gifts. One of those is a FREE 7 Day Meal Plan, with meals that are healthy, simple, and include ingredients you will actually recognize. I already signed up, received my two free gifts, and have had a chance to look through the meal plan. I like it. It’s simple and even includes a grocery list.


Also, on Day 1 of the conference, you’ll have the chance to hear from Katie Kimball a family nutrition expert on teaching your children to cook and love healthy foods. Getting our kids in the kitchen with us is a huge step to getting them to eat healthier. It works. It really works!

I am so excited about this conference and all of the valuable information just waiting to be shared with us moms. See you at The Mom Conference!

P.S. Register here!