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Easy Chicken Recipe: Mexican Chicken Rice Bowl


I mentioned on Facebook yesterday how I’ve cut gluten out of my diet again. Not to the point where I check labels on everything including things like soy sauce, but mainly bread products. As I said, it’s just something personal for me that I’ve noticed works. I feel better, have more energy, have lost weight, my skin looks better and a number of things that I know you do not want me to get in to. (Starts with di ends in gestion.)

Because my husband is also gluten-free and my 16-year-old daughter has noticed she doesn’t feel very well after eating bread, I’ve been on the hunt for fast, easy, family-friendly recipes for our weeknights. They need to fill us up and not include bread. I also have two sons, a 15 and 10-year-old to feed.

The two easiest types of dishes so far have been Mexican and Mediterranean. I could live off Mexican food. Last night’s meal was Mexican and it was delicious. We also had a very busy night planned of picking up my daughter’s car (EEK I have a driver- prayers and positive thoughts please) and eating at a new yogurt shop (that we never found – please don’t get me started). I needed to be able to throw dinner together pronto!

Here you go. An easy, fast, delicious, gluten-free, crowd-pleasing dish.

Easy Chicken Recipe: Mexican Chicken Rice Bowl


I also served strawberries with this. It was a huge hit! As for our yogurt shop debacle…we ended up getting Frappes somewhere. All was well.

Do you have a favorite family friendly weeknight meal? I would absolutely love some ideas? Please share in the comments below!