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Build Your Dream Wardrobe with The Curated Closet


How does building your dream wardrobe sound? Let The Curated Closet help make that a reality!

Let me ask you a few questions about your current closet situation:  Is your closet jam-packed and yet you have absolutely nothing to wear? Can you describe your personal style in one sentence? If someone grabbed a random piece from your closet right now, how likely is it that it would be something you love and wear regularly?

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These are the questions The Curated Closet author Anuschka Rees asks when describing how her book can help you. Needless to say, it definitely grabbed my attention.

I’m currently reading through The Curated Closet in an effort to pare down to what I really love and to create a wardrobe that truly reflects my lifestyle and my personal style.

My personal style has definitely changed over the years, as I’m sure yours has too, and what was important to me five years ago, isn’t anymore. These days I just don’t need that many clothes and the clothes I do need can be mostly casual since I work from home.

I lean more towards the minimalistic style or capsule wardrobe approach, but my closet doesn’t reflect that at the moment. Which is why I feel stressed when I walk in there every morning.

Are you wondering if The Curated Closet is for you? By reading this book, you learn to:

·         Shop smarter and more selectively
·         Make the most of your budget
·         Master outfit formulas and color palettes
·         Tweak your wardrobe for work
·         Assess garment fit and quality like a pro
·         Curate a closet of fewer, better pieces

Here are a few of my favorite quotes so far:

“One of my biggest style related pet peeves is the idea of “keeping up with fashion.”

It suggests that the key to dressing well is following the rules and wearing whichever trends and must-haves the fashion world is prescribing that season, regardless of whether we actually like them or not.

But here’s what I’ve learned: Being fashionable is totally optional.”

I love how she says there’s a difference between being stylish and being fashionable. If the current trends don’t work for you or don’t suit your tastes – leave them be!

She also compares fashion to music and says:

“You wouldn’t make yourself listen to songs all day just because they are at the top of the charts right now or because a “hip” person told you to, right? Of course not; you listen to music that you like. And that’s exactly what it should be like with fashion as well.”

I absolutely love this. Wear what you like, what feels like you — no matter if it’s considered trendy, ‘in’ or fashionable.

I’m so excited about going through this process and know in the end I’ll have a wardrobe that feels like me and one which works for my lifestyle and personal style. Do you want to join me? You can order the book here.




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