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A Great Fall Beauty Find for Very Dry Skin


It’s already happening my friends. My legs have lost their summer glow and with the added layers and cool air, the dry skin is creeping in. If you’re a busy mom like myself, you know all too well how we can sometimes forget to moisturize our legs in the cold months. My mornings usually go like this: shower, throw on clothes as fast as possible because I’m cold (or in a hurry), hair, makeup…out the door. I always regret come summer, not taking better care of my legs. Well, no more! I have a great fall beauty find to share that is fast to apply, fast drying and super moisturizing.

Let me introduce you to Vaseline Intensive Care Advanced Repair Spray Moisturizer. If you’re a regular visitor here, you might remember me posting about their Aloe Soothe and Spray Moisturizer we used for post-sun moisture. It was the perfect lotion to spray on after a long day in the sun. The Advanced Repair is their newest addition, which contains micro-droplets of Vaseline Jelly. This is a great go-to lotion for transitioning to fall, as you add more layers and are subjected to the drying effects of heaters, your skin needs more moisture. I tend to take hotter showers in the fall and winter, which also results in dry skin issues.

Vaseline Intensive Care Advanced Repair Spray Moisturizer has 2X the moisturizing power verses Vaseline Intensive Care Essential Healing Spray Moisturizer. It’s light, non-greasy formula absorbs in seconds helping to heal very dry skin. It’s perfect for sensitive skin as well!

For quick application, spray up, switch hands, spray down, and then rub in. Voila!

To learn more, visit Vaseline.us and to purchase, you’ll find the product in Walmart stores.

This post is in partership with Vaseline.