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5 Things I Do Every Morning To Make Sure I Have An Amazing Day


This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #McCafeMyWay #CollectiveBias

I’ve never really considered myself a morning person and in fact, used to sleep in right up until it was time to get the kids ready for school. Which meant I wasn’t fully awake and alert during the morning rush hour. I was disorganized and instead of a yummy breakfast that fueled them up for the day, it was the same thing all the time. I woke up not really knowing what all I needed to do, what the day held for me and what some of my most important tasks that needed to be done were.

But now I sit here at 4:30 in the morning with a cup of hot coffee, a to-do list ready to go, a clean kitchen and a mind at ease. For me personally, getting up an hour or so before the kids and following a morning routine, sets the mood for the entire day. I’m more effective when it comes to work and when the kids’ alarms go off, they wake up to a mom who’s ready to greet them and help them start their day.

There are five  things I do every morning to make sure I have an amazing day.

1. When the alarm goes off, I tell myself today is going to be a great day and this day leads me closer to my goals.

My amazing morning starts before my feet even hit the floor. This is something I have really been working on and honestly, it’s been a little difficult. Like I said, I’m not a morning person and my first reaction to the alarm going off is a groan. I finally decided this was not how I wanted to start off my day, so I’ve started saying this in my head as soon as the alarm goes off “Today is going to be a great day and this day leads me closer to my goals.” Just that little switch has helped change my attitude about getting out from under those warm covers and starting a brand new day.

2. As soon as I walk down the stairs, I make myself a cup of coffee.

There is something so calming to me about a cup of hot coffee and a quiet house. I pop in a McCafé pod and watch the coffee flow into my cup. I’m probably standing there with a grin on my face because that’s how happy my morning cup of joe makes me. It’s the little things right? I love using the McCafé pod because they’re fast and help make my morning routine more efficient. I’ve also learned that a quality cup of coffee is important to me and McCafé coffee (you can purchase it at Walmart), is made with 100% Arabica beans. I know I’m getting a quality cup of coffee and that’s a great way to start off my day.

3. I sit down and go over my to-do list and calendar.

I can’t tell you the value of a to-do list and my calendar. There is something very satisfying about checking things off, looking at my filled out calendar and knowing exactly what my day/week looks like. I tried to transition to all digital, but it just didn’t work for me. I like a pretty notebook where I can physically write things down. I use my phone calendar for when I’m out and about and need to schedule something, like an ortho appointment for my son.

4. I tidy up the kitchen.

I go to bed most nights with a clean kitchen. I love waking up in the morning to clean counters, a clean sink and a dishwasher full of clean dishes. There are times this doesn’t happen and the kitchen requires a little tidying up in the morning. Making sure the sink is empty and the counters are cleared of clutter helps set my day on the right foot. To me, a clean kitchen means a clear mind.

5. I pack lunches for the kids and make sure my youngest has his lunch, papers and snack ready to go in his backpack.

I usually have the lunches packed and ready to go before everyone is awake. With that done and me out of the kitchen, it frees it up for everyone else to make their breakfast. While they’re eating their breakfast, I’m finishing up with emails, eating my own breakfast and chatting with the kids and my husband. It’s a little thing, but it makes a big difference in my morning routine….and everyone else’s.

Be sure to try McCafé for a delicious cup of coffee in the morning. It also makes a wonderful pick me up coffee for the afternoons, which I’ve been known to need on occasion. There will be McCafé demos at Walmart locations nationwide from 12/18 through 12/21, so pop into your local Walmart when you get a chance. These demos are fun and give you a chance to experience the product.

Speaking of fun, for some inspiration check out the Cooking Up Good website. It has recipes, sweepstakes, loyalty programs, coupons and more! What’s not to love? If you’re looking for a new dinner idea or a chance to win some awesome prizes, be sure to check it out! There were some desserts and appetizers that caught my eye.

How do you start off your day to make sure it’s amazing? I would love to hear how you make the morning rush hour go smoothly.


  1. Stephanie
    I'm definitely a plan ahead type for the mornings. I make sure we have the clothes set out so the older two put theirs on as soon as they wake, I have lunches packed and make sure all the back packs are ready to go. I'm trying to go to bed at a better hour so that I can get my rest before a new day begins... that's still something I'm working on. Love that you can find McCafé at Walmart now - definitely makes it easier on this busy mama! Thanks for sharing! #client
    • MomFabulous
      The other night I was in bed at 9:09. I felt so old! But that was after being up at 4:15 and having one jam packed day. I'm sipping on a cup of McCafé right now. I love it! Thank you for stopping by Stephanie.
  2. Krystal
    From a fellow non-morning person I can certainly understand the initial 'groan' to the alarm going off. However, I have recently started getting up a little earlier (5am for me) and it has made the world of difference. It has been a little easier being summer here in Australia but I am hoping my early wake ups continue into winter and help with the productivity. I'm really enjoying looking around your blog - thank you.
    • MomFabulous
      Hi Krystal! Thank you for stopping by. Once my body got passed the initial shock of waking up so early, now my eyes pop right open and I can tell I'm ready to get up. On a side note: I can't wait to visit Australia some day. It's on my bucket list! Glad you're enjoying the blog. That made me smile. :) I'm headed to check out yours now!
  3. Adelina Priddis
    Great tips! I really need to be better at getting up. Lately I make it to the couch where I fall back to sleep, and just enhance rush hour when the kids get up.
  4. Bonnie @ wemake7
    I don't normally get up before the kiddos but the other day I did, and it was great. I really loved having that quiet time for myself. A great cup of coffee always does the trick as well of course. =)

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