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3 Effective Ways to Give Your Body a Reboot and Fresh Start


*This post was sponsored by Suja Juice and Walmart. All opinions are mine.

Right after the New Year my husband was looking at a couple of cleanses and I was researching some quick ways to get some more energy. What we found in our little quest was everything from complicated detoxes that would cost several hundred dollars just to get started; meal plans that included ingredients you can only get in certain regions of our country and exercise programs that celebrities swore by.

When it all came down to it, we just wanted simple ways to feel better that we knew we could and would actually do.

That’s what we all want right? We want to have more energy and mental focus. We want to wake up feeling rejuvenated instead of dragging ourselves out of bed with a groan. And we want to feel good about the foods we’re putting in our body.

After deleting all the complicated, over the top articles I had bookmarked, I decided on a few easy to follow ways I could give my body a reboot and fresh start. I’m happy to say these are easy, affordable and one is even free!

1. Eat more vegetables than anything else

I was reading an article about healthy eating from one of my favorite authors Leo Babauta of Zen Habits. What’s his simple solution to eating healthier and putting foods that make you feel good in your body? Eat a crapton of vegetables. Those were his words of wisdom and I love them. I’ve followed diet trends and certain eating plans and have failed miserably every time. But eating a crapton of vegetables…that I can do!

Some simple ways to add more vegetables into your diet are:

  • Have containers of peeled, cut and chopped vegetables in your refrigerator ready to eat
  • Make sure you have vegetables with lunch and dinner
  • Replace your mid-afternoon snacking habit of cookies and chips to chopped vegetables and your favorite dressing to dip them in
  • Be colorful and have a variety of vegetables to choose from such as green and red peppers, carrots and snap peas

2. Do a 1-Day renewal with Suja Juice

What is Suja juice? Some of you may have already heard of this brand of organic, non-gmo and cold-pressured juice that let me say, tastes incredible, but for those of us in the Austin, Texas area – it’s new! Not only is it new, but it’s under $3 a bottle. Plus it’s Gluten free, dairy free, soy free and vegan.

Their 1-Day renewal is available at Walmart and is made up of three juices:

  • Start your day with Daybreak Probiotic, which is a spicy, maple syrup-sweetened lemonade with 2 billion vegan probiotic CFUs. It has a kick and I loved it! The cayenne pepper surprised me at first with its kick, but after a few sips I found I really liked it.
  • When the afternoon hunger attack arrives (and it always does!), enjoy a Suja Noon Greens, which is made with nutrient-dense greens, lemon and ginger. This juice is the perfect boost for that afternoon slump. I haven’t been a fan of very many green juices, but the added flavors of the ginger and lemon give it a nice balanced taste.
  • In the evening it’s time to indulge (and you’ll feel like you are) with Suja’s Twilight Protein. It’s made with almond milk, fruity strawberry, sweet vanilla and 10 grams of vegan protein. It’s a sweet and satisfying treat to help you wind down before bed.

This 1-Day Renewal is the perfect way to give your body a jump start to healthy eating habits. The first day I did the renewal I started the morning off with a good workout, then came home and drank the Daybreak. It kept me nice and full until lunch and then when the afternoon hunger hit, I liked having something easy and fast to grab and go. In all honesty here, I usually end my night with a glass of red wine, but I’ve been trying to only do that a few times a week because I struggle with migraines. The Twilight Protein was the perfect way to end my night and as an added bonus, I didn’t go to bed with a grumbly hungry tummy.

If drinking healthy juices has interested you before and you’d love something easy to give your body a reboot, check out Suja juice. Also, right now you can earn $.75 on Suja Juice purchases when you join Ibotta. If you’re an Instagram lover like me, follow them for some beautiful photos and inspiration.

3. Get moving

Since starting a workout routine with my middle son, I have gained muscle, energy and mental focus. On weeks that we skip a few days, I notice it big time. But I also noticed that on days I can’t get to the gym, getting out and going on a walk or run in my neighborhood gives me the same boost as the gym.

If you’re tired, exhausted, grouchy, have sleeping issues, get frequent headaches and overall just feel blah, take a step back and look at your diet and activity. If it’s seriously lacking, take one step forward to change it. For example, our mailbox is a couple of streets over. We typically check it on the way home from getting the kids from school or will even jump in the car to get it we forget. If instead we committed to walking to the mailbox every day, that’s movement our body needs and will thank us for. Not to mention soaking up some vitamin D!

What’s one change you could make to get some more movement into your daily life? Maybe take the stairs more. Or take a short walk after dinner. Or maybe you could get a work out partner like I have who makes sure you go to the gym, even when you don’t feel like it! Just do one small thing to get moving.

Just remember that the first few days and week is the hardest when committing to giving your body a reboot. You’ll come up with excuses, try to talk yourself out of going on that walk and will tell yourself you’ll eat more vegetables and try that 1-Day renewal next week.  Don’t wait.  This is just the beginning to a healthier you.


  1. Nellie
    Thanks for sharing. I'm always looking for new ways to feel better and not so lazy ;)
  2. NYG@NaughtyYogaGirl.com
    Oooh - I've never heard of Suja juice before ... I'm excited to check them out! I think I also need to check out Leo Babauta ... anybody who uses the word "crapton" is my kinda person. :) Thanks for sharing!
  3. Jess
    I've never tried a juice cleanse before, but this sounds really simple (and I like simple!). I think I could manage a one day cleanse (those week long ones sound scary!)
  4. Mikesha
    Great tips on rebooting the body. Eating your vegetables and exercising is a must. Those drink sound good, and I want to try them. I am going to walmart later today, and I will look to see if they carry them here.

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