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3 Simple Outside Workouts for Busy Moms


It’s easy to quickly jot down workout times on your busy schedule each week…. but how easy is it to actually stick to those workouts? Between taking kids to soccer practice, meal prepping, helping out with homework, and the other numerous daily tasks of moms around the world, it can be stressful to carve out some time for yourself to relax – let alone have some time to exercise!

Physical activity can often be overlooked, especially when there are little ones to care for…and of course, all of the unexpected appointments, projects, and events that life can throw can mess with your workout routine as well. So how can you fit some exercise into your calendar, without drawing too much attention from other important areas of your life?

Granted, guidelines suggest at least 150 minutes each week of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise – which is effective when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle – but for busy moms, might not be the easiest thing to achieve, timewise.

Thankfully, depending on the time you do have, you can still reap the benefits of an exercise session – without blocking off a ton of time on your precious schedule. Using your body weight, you can do circuit training versions of workouts with limited rest, and still build strength and endurance….and bonus, many exercises can be done in your own backyard!

Let’s take a look at some of the simple workouts you can do outside, all-around your busy schedule!

The Playground Workout

If you’re already at the park with your kids, why not get in a quick workout while you can? Equipment at local playgrounds is perfect for knocking out a full-body workout.

If there is a nearby bench, try this routine:

  • alternating step-ups onto the bench (12-15 each leg),
  • pushups on the bench (12-15 reps, taking this movement down to the ground if the bench is too easy)
  • single-leg lunges (12-15 each leg, facing away from the bench with one foot on the ground and the opposite on the bench behind you)
  • tricep dips (12-15 reps, bending your knees to make the movement easier or straightening your legs to make it harder).

These four movements hit the lower and upper body, and burn some major calories! Get through all the exercises 2-3 times, depending on how much time you have.

Interval Walking

Not only does interval training help you to burn more calories, but it can also help to boost your endurance.

This is a great workout if you’re hopping on a conference call or are trying to enjoy the beautiful weather.

Always start with a 3-5-minute warmup at an easy pace. From here, pick up your pace for one minute.

After that working minute, slow back down to your easy to moderate walking pace, and use this time to catch your breath. That’s one interval done!

You can make your working sets longer or shorter, and the same with your resting intervals. Depending on how much time you have to exercise.

Bonus calories are burned if you are pushing your child in a stroller at the same time!

HIIT Workouts

Otherwise known as high-intensity interval training, this type of workout torches calories and gets your workout done – and fast. From a local basketball court to your own backyard, HIIT can be done anywhere, and in less time than it takes to drop the kids off at school.

Think of it this way:

  • you work hard for 30-60 seconds
  • then rest for 30-60 seconds.

These workouts are fast-paced and require you to push yourself a bit. But the benefits abound (think quick workouts, a boost in calories being burned, and an increase in metabolism, just to name a few).

Here’s an example:

  • alternate between mountain climbers
  • squat jumps
  • pushups
  • lateral hops
  • side shuffles

With the same work to rest ratio as listed above. These 5 movements can be done in under 20 minutes, depending on how many rounds you want to get through. If it sounds like a lot at first, it’s okay! Slowly build up your endurance, and add on rounds when you can.

Just Get Outside!

If you’re looking to just get outside and play with your kids (while still getting in valuable movement), just look around your backyard. Play soccer, shoot some hoops, get in a game of catch, whatever fun recreational activity you can do….and this includes things like yardwork!

Lifting bags of soil and digging holes all count as movement, and functional movement at that. So, don’t fret if you can’t make it all the way to the park…. you can do plenty of workouts in your own backyard.

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