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Glowing Green Smoothie Recipe


I’m in the middle of reading Kimberly Snyder’s newest book,  The Beauty Detox Power and it’s opening my eyes to a new way to look at weight loss and  health in general. After I’ve had a chance to read the entire book, I’ll give more details about my thoughts and any changes I’m thinking about making in my own lifestyle. I’ve heard about her famous Glowing Green Smoothie before and knew I wanted to try it right away. It’s a favorite with her celebrity clients and how they start their mornings.

I love smoothies. My daughter makes them all the time, but I can find myself getting a little lazy when it comes to making them. When I’m in a hurry to get the kids off to school or get busy on a crazy work day ahead, the last thing I want to do is spend extra time making something. So I end up making bad choices to start out my day and I’m guessing that’s why I feel hungry again by 10:00 a.m. and ready for a nap by noon. I know I need to make some changes.

Glowing Green Smoothie Benefits & A Recommendation for Starting Your Morning

There’s a section in Kimberly’s book where she talks about best practices for the morning and evening. My mornings are not good and I want to change that…TODAY. My husband and I had a business meeting on Saturday, which turned into a “I don’t feel right…what the heck is wrong with me” meeting. I’ve just felt off for a really long time, as I mentioned in my March refresh post, and I’m ready for drastic changes. One of those changes is how I start off my mornings.

Here’s how my mornings typically go:

The alarm goes off and I curse it. I talk myself into getting out of bed. I get out of bed counting down the hours until I can crawl back into said bed. I pour myself a hot cup of coffee and load it down with sugary things that probably turn it into something other than coffee. I start my work day by answering emails, checking stats, and other small tasks. I make the kids lunches. Maybe do some more computer work. I take the kids to school. I come home and grab the easiest thing available for breakfast. I go about my very unorganized day in a bit of a fog.

As you can probably guess, this is not how Kimberly suggest one starting their day.

She talks about “the 3 minutes” she encourages her clients to do first thing, as well as starting off your day with fresh water and hot water with lemon. After that, it’s time to nourish your body with her Glowing Green Smoothie or GGS for short. The GGS is full of one powerful blend of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, fiber and many other things. She says that consuming the GGS “is the most beautifying, health-promoting and weight-balancing daily gift you can give yourself.

And why shouldn’t I give myself the gift of starting my day out right?

Yesterday (Sunday) I made the smoothie for the first time. There is some tweaking I’ll probably do (like possibly leaving out the celery because the taste was a little too powerful for my liking), but overall I felt amazing after drinking it. I also wasn’t hungry until lunch time, which in and of itself – is amazing.

Here’s the recipe. I hope you’ll try it!


I’m challenging myself to continue this ritual for 7 days, which will hopefully turn into another 7 days and then become a habit I look forward to every morning. I’m determined to apply her principles to healthy living, both through the mind and body, and turn things around.

How do you start your day? Would you start it with a power packed smoothie like this one? Let me know in the comments below!


    • MomFabulous
      It packs a powerful punch Kathy! Let me know if you try it and what you think.

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