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Four Steps to Smooth Legs for Summer


I’ll never forget first learning how to shave as a young girl. It was a big deal to me at the time and it meant I had arrived (or so I thought) into womanhood. Back then I shaved with bar soap. It worked for what little hair I had on my legs, but the older I got, I noticed bar soap wasn’t going to cut it.

I also remember in my teen years always being in a hurry and realizing I needed to shave right before heading out the door to go swimming with friends. What does a sixteen year old girl do when she forgets to shave and she’s in a hurry? Yep. Dry shave. Ugh and ouch!

Now that I am slightly older than sixteen (ahem), if I were to dry shave I would feel it and see it for weeks. From dead skin (I know, gross) to skin that needs to be taken care of more gently, I now have a routine that works for me and results in nice smooth legs for summer.

My husband and I are getting away for a few days for our 20th anniversary in a couple of weeks. We’re staying at a bed and breakfast somewhere kind of local. I think this dress, which shows off my nice smooth legs, will be perfect for our trip. Now if I could just get a tan! I think I’ll just fake a tan. 🙂

Four Steps to Smooth Legs for Summer

  1. Exfoliate

Just like I preach about exfoliating the skin on your face, your legs are begging for it too. I exfoliate before I shave with a body brush to get rid of dead skin cells. Have you ever shaved your legs and saw your razor was clogged up with something? That’s dead skin and by exfoliating first, you remove those and get a closer, smoother shave. Try it! It only takes a minute and once you do, you’ll never want to skip this step again.

2. Use shave gel

Prepping your legs with a quality shave gel is key to a great shave. There are so many reasons to use a shave gel! It helps to prevent nicks and cuts. It helps give you a closer shave. It helps to moisturize your legs. It helps you to keep track of where you shaved.


I prefer a gel because of it’s moisturizing effect and I like the way it glides on my legs. 

3. Use a good quality razor

This is important. I’ve used razors in the past that have torn up my legs or just didn’t get the job done. You know…the job of getting rid of leg hair!

I can use a disposable razor just fine, but they seem to tear up my daughter’s legs. So she uses one where you switch out the blade. I definitely always find a razor that has a moisture strip, because I’ve noticed red bumps appearing on my legs if I don’t.

4. Moisturize right after you get out of the shower

I like to put a light lotion or an after shave lotion when my skin is still damp after getting out of the shower. It gives my legs a nice shine and helps them to look really healthy. Between exfoliating, the moisturizing effects of the shave gel, choosing the right razor and then applying lotion after I get out of the shower.

Do you have any tips for getting your legs summer ready? Do share!