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Creating the Perfect Breakfast Nook


I’ve been reading the book The Nesting Place: It Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect to Be Beautiful over the past few days and have had an overwhelming sense of decorating, cleaning, creating and crafting come over me. But more than that, I’m ready to really make this home we’ve lived in for a year –  mine. I’m ready to make it a home that speaks to my personality and our family’s purpose of what our home is all about. If you need a new book to read or even if you don’t, buy this book and read it. 

I spent some time this morning walking around my home and deciding which areas I want to work on first. I decided on the areas we spend most of our time together as a family and the spaces that mean the most to my home mission statement. (More on that in another post.) First up on my list is the living room, dining room and kitchen.

When I woke up this morning I saw this picture from One Kings Lane of creating the perfect breakfast nook. A place prepared to start my day. I love it! We only have a dining room, but adding a few accessories and relaxed furnishings can turn it into the spot to start my morning.

Furnishings & Accessories for Creating the Perfect Breakfast Nook

Drink Your Coffee Art Work

Trio of glass hanging vases

Fishnet Vase

Embree Turquoise Vase

Foliage Cloth Napkins

Polka Dot Cloth Coasters

White Medallion Bowls

Striped Lemon Teapot

Handpainted Footed Bowls

6 Del Sol Glasses

Coral Cloth Napkins

Mahogany Dining Room Table

Walnut Dining Table

Maria Side Chairs

Wayfarer Side Chair

Sage Innit Dining Chairs

Silver Art Collection Coffee Maker

Compact Juice Extractor

For a little more inspiration, here are a few breakfast nooks for you to look at. I am so ready for a cup of coffee, a plate of scrambled eggs and a good book. Aren’t you? You will be after seeing some of these breakfast nooks.






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