
6 Hospitality Tips for Hosting Guests During the 2019 Holidays


The holidays are fast approaching! Turkey will be gobbled up, packages will be arriving on your doorstep, and heartfelt cards from loved ones will fill up your mailbox. 

You’re already a busy Mama with the tasks of everyday life. If you’re hosting guests for Thanksgiving or Christmas, that’s an extra layer of consideration (and joy!). 

Before your visitors arrive, review these 6 tips for hosting guests over the holidays. These tasks will welcome your guests warmly, give them all of the information they need (to avoid asking you a million questions), and go to the next level of hospitality!

1 – Write down the wifi password

Everyone, other than your great-grandparents, has a cell phone, laptop, or tablet. Which inevitably means that they will request your wifi password shortly after arriving to your home. 

Simplify the process by writing it down and displaying it in your guest room. Write it on a sticky note and place it in the middle of bedroom mirror (to be sure they notice it), or stick it in a cute frame for an extra dose of design savvy-ness. 

As always, clearly depict lowercase vs capital letters, and the dreaded the letter “o” vs zero.

2- Write down your family’s calendar of events

The holidays are bustling with activities. Your kids have school performances and parties. You and your husband have office events. Not to mention neighborhood or church activities, plus time with family and friends.

Write down your family’s calendar of events for the time that your guests are visiting. This helps them know what’s on the agenda for each day. This also gives them the opportunity to participate if they’d like, or to plan for another activity when you are unavailable.

You can do this in a few ways:

  • Direct them to your existing calendar, which already includes these details.
  • Screenshot your digital calendar and send them a photo for each day.
  • The good ol’ fashioned way: write it down on a piece of paper.
  • Don’t forget to include start and end times, as well as the location of the event. Not if you will share rides or meet each other there. If necessary, include entrance fees.

3 – Bathroom bucket of toiletries

There are too many toiletries to pack, and something always seems to be forgotten. Have a bucket under the bathroom sink for any items your guests may have left at home. 

  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss
  • Hair brush, hair comb, hair gel, hair spray (optional: dry shampoo)
  • Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face wash, shaving cream, razors
  • Hand soap (liquid and/or bar), hand scrub, hand lotion
  • Contact solution, extra contact case, eye drops
  • Room spray, poo-pourri 
  • Body spray, cologne (mini magazine samples are perfect for this!)
  • Baby wipes, hand sanitizer

And, because it’s Winter, be sure to have a luscious hand scrub and moisturizing lotion available for the dry hands. A tube of chapstick is a nice addition for chapped lips as well.

Don’t have these items on hand? Take the mini bottles from a hotel next time you travel. Or visit your local Dollar Store for budget-friendly mini items.

4 – Snacks and water

It’s not unusual to travel a long distance for the holidays. If your guests have been hurried through a packed airport or cramped in a full car, they will probably be tired. Leave a small basket of refreshments in the guest room. 

  • Bottles of water. Purchase the mini ones and make sure there is at least one per person.
  • Snacks. Mini bags of snacks are a nice treat, like Cheez-its, chocolate chip cookies, chips, or trail mix.
  • Breath mints or gum. Because sometimes you just need a little refresh-mint.
  • Candy. Little kids will love you an extra dose if you leave them candy! Grown ups probably wouldn’t mind the sweet treat either.

Note: Always ask your guests about food allergies before they arrive!

5 – Socks and blankets

Have you ever been to a hotel that has luscious slippers and a robe? Make your home feel like a luxury spot with soft socks and extra blankets. If you display the guest towels on the bed, leave the socks on top of each person’s pile. Or, place a few pairs inside of a dresser drawer and leave the drawer open a few inches so you guests will notice them.

A throw blanket is a nice touch to any bed. Reserve spare blankets in a dresser drawer or closet, and be sure to tell your visitors where they are located. (Because nothing is worse than waking up cold in the middle of the night and not knowing where another blanket is.)

6 – Wrapping paper and gift bags

Giving gifts is an essential part of the holiday season. Due to flying restrictions, most travelers cannot wrap presents and take them on the airplane. Don’t make your guests lug all of their gift wrapping supplies; give them access to yours!

Leave a few rolls of wrapping paper, tissue paper, gift bags, ribbon, and bows in the closet. Don’t forget about scissors, tape, pens, and tags as well! 

If needed, help your guests hide secret presents or stocking stuffers.

Hospitality is about relationships. Entertaining is about an event.

The art of hospitality focuses on relationships, while entertaining guests is all about the event. Allow your holidays to be centered on the people you love. 

If you apply these 6 tips to your holiday hosting, your guests will feel loved, cared for, and appreciated.

How do you go the extra mile for your visitors? What tips can you share about prepping your home for guests over the holidays?


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