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6 Clever Tricks to Keep Your Pantry More Organized



A pantry is one of the most convenient storage areas within a home. However, you cheat yourself out of some of that space if you don’t keep the pantry organized. You can store a lot more things in an organized space than you can in an area that is cluttered and chaotic. The following six tips can help you maintain an organized pantry.

A blank slate

You have to create order within the pantry before you can focus on maintaining an organized pantry. One way to establish order is to remove everything from the pantry. Wipe down the empty shelves. Toss out items that don’t belong in the pantry or things that are out of date and devise a plan for organizing what goes back into the pantry.


Buy some storage baskets, boxes or bins to store small items in that could otherwise look like clutter on the shelves. It’s helpful to acquire numerous baskets in a diverse selection of sizes and to attach labels to the front of the baskets.

Assess pantry contents at a glance

Using glass jars and clear containers on the pantry shelves will help you locate items at a glance. You can also quickly see what items you’re almost out of so that you can put them on your shopping list.

Create a system

You can find a lot of pantry organization ideas at online sites and in magazines. These ideas can be helpful, but ultimately, your pantry items should be arranged in a way that is most convenient for you. Keep items you use often in an easily accessible location. Store seldom used items on either the top shelf or under the bottom shelf of the pantry.

Vertical space

You can add hooks, wall hanging storage bags and over the door storage racks to your pantry. This will increase your storage space and help you maintain order within the pantry.

Staying organized

If you periodically use professional cleaning services to help you with household chores, it will be much easier for them to do their job when you have a pantry that is organized and uncluttered. It’s difficult to thoroughly clean a congested pantry area.

Once you’ve organized your pantry, you will want to keep it organized. You’ll be able to quickly locate items you need. You’ll also be less likely to find yourself running out of things when you can easily see what you have on hand in the pantry.

This is a guest post by Karleia Steiner. Karleia is a freelance blogger. Away from the office she enjoys spending time with her two daughters.

Here are more home organizing tips and tricks:

The One Thing I do Before I Organize Anything (Plus a Printable)

The KonMari Method of Organizing

21 Family Command Centers

For even more organizing ideas for the home, follow my Organizing board on Pinterest, where I share tips daily:

Follow Julie Bonner {MomFabulous}’s board Fabulous Organization Ideas for the Home on Pinterest.


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