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5 Ways to Avoid Germs at the Gym


This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of CuVerro. All opinions are 100% mine.

Sickness has been sweeping through my friends’ homes and from what I’m reading online, flu season is definitely in full swing. So far we’ve been able to avoid getting sick and I’m crossing all of my fingers and toes hoping it’ll stay that way.

I’ve been extra careful at the grocery store to wipe down the cart with disinfectant wipes, plus regularly washing my hands to keep germs at bay. But there’s one place we go to get fit and healthy where germs love to hang out: the gym.

Why the gym? Think about it. It’s warm. It’s sweaty. It’s usually a small space. And everything there is touched over and over again. Germs thrive at the gym, but thankfully there are a few things we can to do to avoid them; besides just staying home and skipping your workout altogether.

5 Ways to Avoid Germs at the Gym

Clean all fitness equipment before and after use

It’s easy to get a little lazy, especially if you’re in a hurry to get to work on time or home for the evening, but wiping down the equipment is incredibly important. At my local gym, you’re supposed to wipe it down after you use it, but the likelihood of that happening every single time is slim. So why take the chance?

I’ve seen people halfheartedly wipe it down before. I’ve seen people spray the equipment with the disinfectant solution and miss entirely, spraying the floor instead. I’ve seen people not wipe it down at all. If you spend any time at a gym, I’m sure you’ve witnessed the same thing.

That’s why you should wipe down anything you’re about to touch – from the free weights and the TV on the elliptical to the handles on the bike and any mats you use. Then wipe it down again after you use it. This protects you and other gym goers.

As you may know, for the past couple of months, I’ve been working with CuVerro®, which manufactures antimicrobial copper that continuously kills bacteria*. I’ve written about how to keep my kitchen environment and work space cleaner, as well as tested some items from my son’s backpack. I was a believer in the power of copper after reading some studies, but now after having experienced the results personally (meaning testing both copper and non-copper items), I am a firm believer in the benefits.

(We tested one of our weights and got a reading of 686. Any reading below 300 means it’s sanitary.)

How does this relate to the gym and fitness equipment?

Cuverro works with Black Iron Strength® to make a line of antimicrobial copper fitness equipment that helps kill the bacteria that causes infections. One NCAA team equipped their strength training room with fitness products, made with CuVerro®  in an effort to support athletes and help keep them healthy. They were constantly having to wipe down and disinfect the equipment to prevent the spread of infections and they felt replacing some of the equipment with antimicrobial copper products was a no-brainer. “Winning teams are healthy teams,” said John Shackleton, head strength and conditioning coach for the Villanova Wildcat squad that defeated the University of North Carolina for the 2016 NCAA basketball title. “Using the Black Iron Strength® equipment not only helps us gain a competitive edge, it also means cutting down on the chances of infection. That’s especially important for a winter sport where student athletes are susceptible to a variety of infections .”

Imagine what a difference it would make if our gyms did the same thing. As you can see from the photo above, so many different pieces of fitness equipment can be made from CuVerro®. I would love those 5 lb. weights for my home!

Do not go barefoot

Whether you use the shower, the sauna or hot tub at your local gym, do not go barefoot. The locker room and sweaty, humid places are breeding grounds for germs – foot fungus in particular. Wear your flip-flops to protect your feet at all times.

Bring your own water

Drinking fountains are probably one of the dirtiest places in the gym. Why? Most likely, they are rarely sanitized, but they are touched by hands and unfortunately, mouths on a regular basis. You’re better off bringing your own water bottle from home and washing it at home every time it comes in contact with the gym. I like to use a water bottle that can be washed in the dishwasher. That way I know it’s getting a thorough cleaning.

Bring your own towel

I would like to think my local gym if offering me clean towels to use, but we don’t always know that for sure. Many gyms may transport clean and dirty towels in the same hamper, so you’re better off bringing your own.

Bring a separate towel for use while working out and one for after your shower. 

Keep your gym gear clean

Your gym clothes are not only sweaty from working out, they’ve come in contact with all of the gym equipment. The best bet to making sure any germs on your clothes are taken care of, is to throw them in the wash when you get home. You can throw it in with your gym towels and be good to go for your next workout.

It’s also a good idea to disinfect your gym bag once you get home. Wipe down the outside, which might have come in contact with the gym floor, and the inside which was toting around your towels and gym clothes.


Have you ever caught a cold or gotten the flu and suspected it might have been from your recent gym visit? It’s amazing how being even a little proactive when it comes to germs and the gym, can keep you from coming down with a nasty virus.

If you’re curious like I was about copper and clean living, you can find out more on their website CleanAsCopper.com. They share facts, figures, scientific proof, videos and information about how making simple switches to copper can make a big difference in your home and overall environment. They also share how you can take action and join the movement.