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25 Detox Water Recipes for Weight Loss


These 25 detox water recipes will help you lose weight, flush the body of toxins and feel great — all from using just a few simple ingredients.

Are you looking to slim down a little before summer? As warmer weather arrived and I tried on a few of my shorts, well, let’s just say I either need to go shopping or lose about 5 pounds. Since I have a closet full of spring and summer clothes I love, I’m opting to shed some weight. Plus, I haven’t been feeling on top of my game lately and know I need to make some changes. From low energy to tummy aches, I’ve been feeling it all.

What is detox water exactly?

We all know drinking water is good for us and extremely necessary for overall health. Just drinking plain water can help flush toxins from your body, keep you hydrated and help your vital organs stay in tip top shape.  Also, when you replace sugary drinks with water, it can help you lose weight. What’s not to love?

Well, plain water can get a little…boring after awhile, right? Right.

By adding just a few ingredients to your water (making it a detox water), you can kick its effects on your body into high gear and receive some added benefits I think you’ll be happy about. And to top it all off, it tastes great!

These 25 recipes contain ingredients like:

  • Lemon: great for flushing toxins and aiding in  good digestion
  • Cinnamon: stimulates your internal organs to cleanse themselves
  • Cucumber: one of the most hydrating vegetables around
  • Grapefruit: helps you burn fat

Browse through these 25 detox water recipes and then keep reading to the end for some detox plans.

25 Detox Water Recipes

1. Detox Lime Infused Water

“This delicious Detox Lime Infused Water Recipe is a great way to help your body detox for springtime or anytime. Lime juice helps stimulate, as well as regulate the digestive tract. And besides all the great benefits – IT JUST TASTES GOOD! It’s also very simple to make.”

2. Pineapple Ginger Infused Water

“A lot of times, I call this spa water because it reminds of the type of water they serve when I go to the spa for a massage or pedicure. Some people prefer to call it detox water and that fits as well. Basically, call it whatever you want but you’ll love drinking it so it won’t matter what the name is.”

3. Raspberry Thyme Infused Water

“When aiming to drink more water, it is important to think about what you put it in it to make sure you are still getting the nutritional benefits without a lot of added sugar or preservatives. I love infused water because it uses natural items like fruits and herbs to add flavor to water.”

4. Slim Down Detox Water with Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime & Cucumber

“You’ll love this water to help beat the post-holiday bloat and cleanse my body of all of the toxins from holiday overeating. This water is made to do all sorts of good things for your body! Cucumbers are natural diuretics and will help your body release water. Lemons and limes loosen toxins in your digestive tract and will aid in digestion. Grapefruits are high in enzymes that burn fat.”

5. Apple, Cinnamon Detox Water

“This water recipe will help clean up your system and even help your body burn calories more efficiently. That old rule “the more water you drink, the less you retain” is absolutely right, and drinking this apple cinnamon water will speed up the process of cutting water weight.”

6. Jillian Michaels Detox Water (Lose 5 to 8 lbs in one week)

If you’re ready to: Drop 5-8 pounds in 7 days, feel SO much more energized, kick nasty, unhealthy food cravings to the curb, get rid of excess bloat, put a healthy glow back into your beautiful skin And… Best of all!?! jump start your path to a healthy, confident future…”

7. Apple, Cinnamon Detox Water

“BOOST Your METABOLISM Naturally with this ZERO CALORIE Detox Drink: Day Spa Apple Cinnamon Water 0 Calories. Put down the diet sodas and crystal light and try this out for a week. You will drop weight and have TONS OF ENERGY!”

8. Strawberry Infused Vitamin Water

“This hydrating and antioxidant infused-water boasts flavor and skin enhancing nutrients, not to mention a beautiful presentation!”

9. Skinny Detox Water Recipe

“The main thing is that there are 3 different ingredients that are working to boost your metabolism naturally.”

10. Blueberry Orange Water

“Infused waters, flavored waters or spa water is one of the things you could do to add jazz to your water. This is also the best thing to replace the sodas and juices in your life because drinking this delicious water can only do your body good.”

11. Pineapple Sugarcane Water

“This refreshing beverage will have you lounging in a lush imaginary spa in moments. Pineapple Sugarcane Water quenches, hydrates, and puts your mind at ease.”

12. Fat Burning Detox Drink

“I’ve got another Detox drink for you! This one is a fat burning concoction that really does the job.”

13. Flush, Cleanse & Detox Water

Flush the fat away with these drinks that will have you on your way to a slim trim body in no time. You CAN eat the ingredients used in each drink if you so choose, but they are mainly there for the taste. Drink 8 ounces before each meal 3 times a day for 10 days and marvel at the results.”

14. Cucumber, Lemon & Mint Spa Water

“Lemon is a great addition to your water. Adding in a wedge or squeeze of juice to your water will boost your immune system, promotes healthy digestion, and will cleanse and alkalize the body.”

15. Refreshing Detox Water

“The vitamin C in lemons and oranges helps to clear the digestive tract and cleanse the liver. There’s also an enzyme in citrus that aids in breaking down fat and toxins. Cucumber is great for re-hydration and has anti-inflammatory properties. And mint also aids in digestion, breaks down fat and eases the stomach.”

16. Simple Lemon Detox Water

“Lemon helps re-hydrate the system and promotes digestion, which will help the flow of waste out of your body.”

17. Detox Green Tea Fruit Water

“My Detox Green Tea always does the trick! It’s a totally fresh, fruity way to get my system feeling all back to normal and back in business.”

18. Citrus and Mint Infused Water

“Not only is this water tasteful, but it also has many benefits. Improving your skin, help with weight loss and provides great vitamins and minerals.”

19. Fruit Infused Water

“Fruit infused water – naturally flavored water that is not only easy to make but healthy and delicious! It has a sweet and refreshing taste and has a cleansing effect on the body. Say goodbye to soda, juice and sugary drinks.”

20. Fat Flush Detox Drink Recipe

“Green Tea – Is great for weight loss – it helps burn fat easier and better.”

21. Slimming Detox Water

“Ginger naturally calms the belly!  The benefits of ginger are endless!  It has anti-inflammatory  properties, can help with fat burning and even boosts your immune system!”

22. Detox Water

“My Detox Water is not your traditional kind of water, it contains all of the components to make you feel good. It cleans out your kidneys, helps with bloating, it’s great for the skin and helps detoxify any bad germies in your system.”

23. Day Spa Mango Ginger Water

“Did you know Ginger and Mango both boost your metabolism? Along with boosting your metabolism ginger also is a natural pain reliever, from migraines to menstrual cramps ginger heals a lot of pain. It also helps reduce morning or motion sickness and banishes heartburn!”

24. Lemon Mint Water

“Well, I’ve read somewhere that one of the major benefits in drinking lemon water is that it aids in weight loss {which I need at this time,LOL} and gives the body natural electrolytes. It is also a great source of Vitamin C and works wonders for your skin. While mint gives the lemon-y flavor a boost and lends a cooler and sweeter flavor to the water.”

25. Detox Water for Craving Control

“Cinnamon: improves circulation, thins blood, and manages blood sugar levels. Results in fewer sugar cravings so you eat less and can control calorie intake.”

Did any of these detox water recipes grab your attention? They ALL grabbed mine. Now I need to decide which one to try first. Choosing your favorite detox water is just the first step in using it for weight loss. Now you need to know HOW to do a detox.

The Jillian Michaels Detox Water Plan

If you’re wanting fast results, this plan is probably for you. But, as Maybe I Will shares with us, a lot of people do the detox all wrong. She walks you through the right steps to take to get the most success out of this detox plan. She provides you with downloaded cheat sheets and a wealth of information.

Infused Water: The Ultimate Detox and Weight Loss Secret

Lose Weight By Eating shares how this is one of the easiest ways to increase your water intake, which will then result in boosting your metabolism. She recommends making a pitcher and drinking it all day long. The goal? Just drink more water. When you feel thirsty, head for your pitcher of infused water. Craving a not so good for you snack? Drink some infused water. Do this and watch your weight loss numbers go up!

Drink one glass of detox water before every meal

This was a tip I read, liked and plan on trying. It seems more doable for me right now with my schedule. I plan on trying the Detox Water for Craving Control, because cravings is my biggest issue right now. I want chips, breads and ALL THE SALTY THINGS I can get my hands on!

What do you think? Is a detox water regimen something you have tried before or plan on trying for weight loss? Let me know!

If you enjoyed these detox water recipes, please share! You can pin the image below on Pinterest to save for later.


  1. Jolene Johnson
    I've just been doing lemon because I like the taste and I've heard it's good for your body, but I'd love to do more to help me lose weight and get healthy. My sweet tooth is terrible! Ugh. Oh, did you announce the Roloxin winners? I didn't see a post like I'm used to, just wondering lol. I'm going to have to get a water infusion bottle, I saw them at CVS so you can take them with you. It's so convenient now, I'll give it a shot!
    • MomFabulous
      Oh gosh Jolene! Thank you for the reminder on the giveaway. Doing that now! The winners will be on the giveaway page. Thank you! :)
  2. Fitoru mct
    Thanks for sharing these recipes. I only drink lemon water and spa water recipe for detox. Now I can have variations of detox drinks and I can't wait to try it.

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