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2 DIY All-Natural Dry Shampoos: Powder and Spray


A busy Mama knows that it takes time to look fabulous, and time is sparse when you’re a loving Mama! If you’re in the habit of washing your hair on a daily basis, we’re here to rescue you. Allow us to introduce you to our friend Dry Shampoo.

What is dry shampoo?

Dry shampoo actually isn’t shampoo at all! It’s not a soap that washes your hair; instead, it’s a grease and oil absorber. Truthfully, most people only wash their hair because it gets greasy – thus the need for dry shampoo!

You use dry shampoo in between regular shampoo or hair washings. Most people recommend that you wash your hair every 2-3 days, and that you can use dry shampoo in between. This varies depending on your lifestyle and hair type.

Types of dry shampoo

Typical dry shampoo is a spray. It’s not a liquid spray like water, and it’s not a powder spray either; it’s more like a mousse or dry foam. But it’s full of toxic ingredients and unwanted chemicals that aren’t good for your body, scalp or hair. Opt for a simple DIY version instead. Trust us – it only takes a few minutes to make!

Homemade dry shampoo can take two different forms: a dry loose powder, or a liquid spray. They are both effective, so the preference is yours.

The dry powder is best applied with a large makeup brush, while the spray is (obviously) applied using a spray bottle.

DIY All-natural dry shampoo powder


  • Cornstarch or arrowroot powder
  • Cocoa powder
  • Optional: cinnamon


  1. Mix together 2 parts cornstarch/arrowroot with 1 part cocoa powder.
  2. For blondes: use less cocoa powder. For brunettes: use more cocoa powder. And for redheads: add a ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon to the original mixture.

How to use

  1. Using a large makeup brush, gently dust the powder along your hairline, hair part, and other areas that are greasy. Allow to sit for one minute.
  2. Using your fingers, rub the dry shampoo into your hair, concentrating on the greasy areas.
  3. Brush hair to evenly distribute any remaining clumps of dry shampoo.

DIY All-natural dry shampoo spray


  • ½ cup cup water
  • 2 Tbsp cornstarch or arrowroot powder
  • 2 Tbsp vodka
  • Optional: 2 Tbsp cocoa powder
  • Optional: 4-6 drops of essential oils


  1. Mix all ingredients together in a spray bottle (preferably glass). For blondes, use the first three ingredients listed. For brunettes, use the first four ingredients listed. Essential oils can be used for all hair types.

How to use

  1. Shake the bottle to incorporate all ingredients (the cornstarch/arrowroot powder may settle to the bottom).
  2. Hold the spray bottle a few inches away from your head and spray over greasy areas of hair. The hair should be wet but not dripping. 2-5 sprays in each spot are ideal.

Commonly asked questions

Will my hair smell like chocolate because of the cocoa powder?
Surprisingly, no! Test it out by having your husband sniff your scalp – he shouldn’t smell anything. However, you may get a slight whiff of cocoa powder when you initially wet your hair to wash it after using the dry shampoo.

Will this match my hair color?
The best part about these recipes is that you can personalize the color to match your hair! For blondes, it’s best to make the recipe as written and adjust from there. For brunettes, follow the recipe with the listed amount of cocoa powder. Try out that ratio and adjust. You can literally add more cocoa powder to make the mixture darker, or add more cornstarch/arrowroot powder to lighten it up.

How often can I use this?
You can use this mixture as frequently as you like! Remember that this does not replace washing your hair; it only lengthens the time between washings. It is recommended that you wash your hair 2-3 times per week, and use this in-between.

My scalp has dried out since using this. What can I do?
The cornstarch and arrowroot powder absorbs moisture, which can cause flakiness or dry scalp. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your dry shampoo to help restore your scalp’s natural pH balance. You can also use a mixture of equal parts water and apple cider vinegar as a natural conditioner and scalp treatment. These remedies also help fight dandruff, and these remedies help with dry hair.

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What kind of dry shampoo do you use? What is the perfect ratio of ingredients for your hair color? Share in the comments below so we can learn from your dry shampoo recipes!