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31 Days to a More Fabulous You: The Benefits of Drinking Tea (Day 7)


*31 Days to a More Fabulous You is a series in January covering ways to help make you a healthier, more joy-filled, happier, relaxed, fun version of YOU. Read what you can expect from the series on Day 1.

I’m a coffee drinker. I love the smell, the taste, the pick me up I get…and of course the lifestyle that comes with drinking coffee. Thanks to my 15 year old son, I am becoming a bit of a coffee snob and have gotten used to drinking it made with a french press. Maybe it’s because I feel cool drinking it that way. Who knows. I just know I like it. A lot.

I used to be a huge hot tea drinker. I remember it well. It was when we were stationed in Alaska and it was freaking cold. The kind of cold when you walk outside your eyeballs and the inside of your nose freeze. Have you ever felt that before? It’s nuts. (Oh Alaska…how I sometimes miss you.) I got into the habit of drinking a lot of hot tea. I liked coffee back then, but I had small children and a cup of peppermint tea just did something for me. 

I can’t put my finger on when it happened, but I stopped drinking tea and started drinking, a lot, of coffee. But I’ve decided to give it up. Not completely! But getting myself down to one cup a day.

The reason for the change is from a book I was reading. It’s Sadie Lincoln’s book Love Your Lower Body. (Can you imagine loving your lower body? I’m working on that!) She talks about some foods to phase out that are sabotoging your diet and healthy living, one of those was coffee with loads of sugar in it. She then mentioned how she phased out coffee and started drinking green tea (a friend who’s 50 but looks 30 recommended green tea to her) and the changes she noticed from making the switch:

  • She felt more hydrated
  • She had fewer wrinkles
  • She had glowing skin
  • She had better digestion
  • She had sustained energy all day

I’ll take all of those please! 

(Update: Right after I posted this article, Sadie posted about green tea and gave some tips on her Facebook page.)

If you follow Dr. Oz at all. you know he’s a big advocate of drinking tea for its health benefits. A few of my favorite tea related articles of his are where he debunks tea myths, shares three teas that will shrink your waist and lists health benefits of tea.

I haven’t been drinking green tea consistently long enough to tell you differences I notice, but as soon as I do, I’ll share those with you. 

Do you drink tea? If so, why and what do you feel it does for you?